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To get item details in your inventory by unique medicine Id.

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Unique id of the product



Stringified Array of medicine_ids.​

medicine_id param is optional, if medicine_ids param is passed.​

medicine_ids should contain at least 2 medicine_ids.​

i.e.["z5s5a+e/Cj4ip7sUl2zJFQ==", "otUfMtG4nIpWSc+oWoX7Lw=="]

    "status_code": "1",
    "status_message": "Success",
    "datetime": "2023-03-09 19:01:02",
    "data": [
            "content": "Losartan (50mg)",
            "how_medicine_works": "Ltk 50 Tablet is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB). It relaxes blood vessel by blocking the action of a chemical that usually makes blood vessels tighter. This lowers the blood pressure, allowing the blood to flow more smoothly to different organs and the heart to pump more efficiently.",
            "how_to_use": "Take this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. Ltk 50 Tablet may be taken with or without food, but it is better to take it at a fixed time.",
            "id": "y8P5ElKQqfn/Dkb0uhE9Sg==",
            "medicine_image": "",
            "is_rx_required": 0,
            "dosage_type": "tablet",
            "medicine_name": "Ltk 50 Tablet",
            "mrp": 23.5,
            "packing_size": "1 Strip of  10 Tablet",
            "pack_size": "10 Tablet",
            "packing": "Strip",
            "size": 10,
            "manufacturer_name": "Unison Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd",
            "side_effects": " Common   Dizziness  Back pain  Sinus inflammation  Increased potassium level in blood  ",
            "medicine_category": "drug",
            "loose_quantity": 1022,
            "sale_discount": 15,
            "strip_quantity": 102,
            "is_inventory_available": "yes",
            "price": 23.5,
            "sell_in_loose": "yes",
            "warning_details": [
                    "liver": "Ltk 50 Tablet should be used with caution in patients with liver disease. Dose adjustment of Ltk 50 Tablet may be needed. Please consult your doctor.<br>Use of Ltk 50 Tablet is not recommended in patients with severe liver disease."
                    "alcohol": "Taking Losartan with alcohol may excessively lower the blood pressure."
                    "driving": "It is not known whether Ltk 50 Tablet alters the ability to drive. Do not drive if you experience any symptoms that affect your ability to concentrate and react."
                    "kidney": "Ltk 50 Tablet is safe to use in patients with kidney disease. No dose adjustment of Ltk 50 Tablet is recommended.<br>However, talk to your doctor if you have any underlying kidney disease. Regular monitoring of blood pressure is recommended for better dose adjustment."
                    "lactation": "Ltk 50 Tablet is probably safe to use during lactation.  Limited human data suggests that the drug does not represent a significant risk to the baby."
                    "pregnancy": "Ltk 50 Tablet is unsafe to use during pregnancy.<br>There is positive evidence of human fetal risk, but the benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk, for example in life-threatening situations. Please consult your doctor."
            "salt_content_id": "KOKzk7o+BiY7KaYIIL5JDg=="

Last updated